UPDATED. 2024-04-26 16:52 (금)
Effective Leader + Effective Team = Successful Practice
Effective Leader + Effective Team = Successful Practice
  • By Sally McKenzie, CEO
  • 승인 2012.07.23 10:04
  • 댓글 0
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I never cease to be amazed at the number of practice owners who have no comprehension of what it means to be a leader.

After all, dentists are not trained to be leaders. And if they tend to be fearful, mistrusting or insecure individuals, effective leadership will be all the more difficult to achieve. Few practice owners truly comprehend how to maximize the value of the people who are central to their success. Many will happily assert that they pay their employees a “fair” salary. They provide a few perks, and they deliver good dentistry, so what more “leadership” does the office really need? Sadly, these practices likely will peak at merely average. But for the many, many doctors seeking to improve their leadership skills and their practices, I encourage you to consider what I regard as a few key characteristics of both effective leaders and effective teams.

Effective Leaders:
1. Establish clear expectations of their employees both individually and as a team.
2. Provide training and necessary resources to achieve those expectations.
3. Establish clear guidelines for office procedures and office conduct.
4. Regularly provide feedback to employees, praising often and publicly, correcting privately and constructively.
5. Are secure enough to know that they don't have all the answers and appreciate input and opinions from the team to encourage open communication and a steady flow of ideas.
6. Trust their teams. They are not swooping in to take over and micromanage.
7. Treat their employees with respect and encouragement.

But it doesn't stop with the doctor/practice owner. Central to the success of the practice is effectively leading a team. Successful teams have a few key characteristics as well.

Effective Teams:
1. Each employee understands how his/her day-to-day work fits into the practice's overall goals and objectives.
2. Clear and open communication among the team and the doctor is the norm, not the exception.
3. Positive feedback and constructive problem solving among the group are commonplace.
4. Trust and mutual respect are evident. Employees trust and respect the leader and each other.
5. Conflict is managed through a clearly defined system.
6. Problems and concerns are addressed, not ignored.
7. Strengths are appreciated and maximized; weaknesses are recognized and minimized.

Effective teams are made up of employees who feel included in the process. They feel valued for their contributions, and they feel empowered to make decisions and take action when it’s in the best interest of the practice. A true team environment encourages individuals to risk speaking up, to ask for help, and share opinions.

Effective team members turn broader practice priorities into individual priorities. They understand that their role affects not just themselves but everyone else. Moreover, they create an environment where they can candidly but respectfully address shortcomings in systems without pointing fingers at each other. Effective teams respect each other and recognize one another's differences. Teams are microcosms of the world in which we live. Everyone brings strengths, weaknesses, and yes, occasionally baggage to the table. Use management tools to understand each other's personalities as well as strengths and weaknesses.

Effective teams have leaders who celebrate success, deliver praise without reservation, and create an environment in which the staff and the doctor sincerely enjoy each other and working together toward the common goals.


Essence :

리더다운 리더와 효율적인 팀의 만남 = 성공

리더다운(효율적인) 리더란:
1. 직원 개개인과 전체 팀에 대한 명확한 기대치를 설정하고 있다.
2. 그런 기대치를 달성할 수 있도록 교육훈련과 필요한 사항을 지원한다.
3. 업무 절차와 행동에 대한 명확한 가이드라인을 제시한다.
4. 직원들에게 칭찬을 자주 그리고 공식적으로 하여 개인에 따른 건설적인 피드백을 정기적으로 제공한다.
5. 직원 간 소통과 다양한 아이디어가 도출될 수 있도록 독려한다.
6. 자신의 팀을 신뢰하며 위임을 하고, 세세한 간섭은 피한다.
7. 직원들을 존중하고 격려할 줄 안다.

좋은 팀이란:
1. 직원 각자가 자신의 일일 업무가 전체 병원 목표와 성과에 맞는지를 잘 이해하고 있다.
2. 원장을 포함한 전체 팀 내부의 커뮤니케이션이 명확하게 열려 있다.
3. 팀 내 긍정적인 피드백과 건설적인 문제 해결이 일상화 되어 있다.
4. 팀원 모두 서로를 존중한다. 팀원과 리더 간에도 신뢰와 존경심이 있다.
5. 갈등이 있는 경우 명확한 가이드라인으로 해결할 수 있다.
6. 문제점이나 우려되는 부분은 지나치지 않고 해결책을 모색한다.
7. 강점을 잘 알고 있으며, 이를 극대화한다. 약점 역시 잘 인식하고, 극복하고자 노력한다.

효과적인 팀이란 전체 업무과정 속에 나의 위치와 역할, 기여도를 느낄 때 만들어진다. 자신들의 기여에 대한 가치를 느끼고, 병원의 입장에서 가장 최상의 선택을 할 수 있는 의사결정권이 주어진 경우, 팀원들은 효과적인 팀을 이룬다. 진정한 팀웍이란 리스크도 입 밖에 내어 말 할수 있고, 도움을 청하며, 기꺼이 의견을 나눌 수 있는 상태를 말한다. 효율적인 팀 멤버들은 개인보다는 팀을 우선시 하게 된다. 리더다운 리더와 효과적인 팀이 만날 때 공동의 목표를 향해 즐기면서 나갈 수 있다.

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