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Who's Responsible for Treatment Acceptance?
Who's Responsible for Treatment Acceptance?
  • Sally McKenzie, CEO
  • 승인 2012.08.14 09:36
  • 댓글 0
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You… and Everyone Else

Doctor, did it ever occur to you that the manner in which your Scheduling Coordinator talks to patients affects treatment acceptance? Probably not. Many dental teams view treatment presentation/acceptance as a one-time event involving the doctor and/or another member of the clinical team. In actuality, staff lay the foundation for treatment acceptance or rejection in virtually every patient interaction.

Have you and your team instilled in the patient trust, knowledge, and respect for the team’s skills that will enable them to pursue recommended treatment without reservation? Or have you subtly and unwittingly undermined their confidence? Consider the following:

If there is a sense that the right hand and the left hand don’t know what the other is doing, this erodes trust and confidence. For example, the patient schedules an appointment and the business employee accidentally books it on the wrong day. If this happens more than occasionally, it’s wearing away the trust patients have in your practice. If procedures are regularly interrupted because necessary products and instruments are not at hand, it becomes disconcerting to patients, and they begin to question the competency of the team.

Most patients today base major decisions, such as extensive dental treatment, on multiple factors - including full comprehension of the need for treatment; the importance of the procedure to them in terms of quality of life, aesthetics, or health; possible ramifications if they choose to procrastinate or elect an alternative procedure; payment options, and how they feel about the practice as a whole. They will judge your practice on virtually every system that they encounter - from how staff talk to them on the phone, the use of modern technology, payment and insurance procedures, and many more.

If the ancillary systems are functioning well, the treatment presentation procedures will likely need little more than some additional burnishing, such as:

1. A relaxed, non-rushed environment where treatment is explained. Patients need to feel that you have the time for their questions.

2. A clear understanding of the procedures, not “dental-ese.” Explain the procedures using language that fits the patient’s educational level of understanding.

3. A plan. Clarify the steps required for the procedures, number of appointments necessary, and how long each appointment will take.
4. A level of comfort. Explain to the patient how you will make her/him comfortable during treatment and what options are available, such as anesthetic.

5. A chance to share “what they’ve heard” about this or that procedure. Ask the patient questions to determine if they have any misperceptions about treatment. Many patients still think that root canal therapy involves removing the roots.

6. The opportunity to actually see what will be done. Use educational tools, such as video or other educational aids, to summarize what the patient has viewed and ask if there are any areas that need further explanation. Do not leave them in a room alone with a video presentation. The patient is not buying the procedure. They are investing in the dental team.

7. A non-judgmental environment. Be empathetic to the patients’ concerns about the condition of the teeth. Patients who have postponed dental care are often embarrassed and don’t want to be perceived as neglectful or hopeless. Encouragement coupled with kind words can build trust and respect.

8. An understanding of options available. Explain alternatives to the treatment. Make sure the benefits and the possible risks to the procedures are understood. Informed consent in writing is necessary when there are risks and when the outcome could be less than favorable.

9. A candid conversation. Most patients are aware of some general risks in treatment so they are waiting for you to be frank about what, if anything, they might be faced with as a result of the treatment. If they are given advantages and disadvantages, research shows that patients are more willing to trust you to deliver their care. Patients always feel better when they know the benefits and risks of proposed treatment.

10. Realistic and reasonable payment options. Studies show that patients avoid dental treatment due to cost more than pain. Yet if they feel that the costs measure up to the service received there is no complaint. Many patients will not question fees if the practice has demonstrated that they can deliver superior service. From the first phone call to dismissal, consistently demonstrate the “value” for services that the patient is receiving.

Give your patients every reason to proceed with recommended treatment.


Essence :

환자, 그들이 선택하는 결정적 순간은?

예약상담 코디네이터의 태도가 환자의 치료동의율을 높이는데 영향을 끼친다는 점을 알고 있는가? 대부분은 상담과 동의가 한 순간에 이루어진다고 생각하지만 실제로 환자의 의사결정은 치과내 여러 상황들이 맞물려 이루어진다.

환자예약일정 오류가 자주 발생하는 경우, 환자는 치과에 대한 신뢰를 잃게 된다. 치료 중 약재나 기구준비가 미비하여 치료과정의 끊김이 있는 경우, 진료팀의 능력에 의구심을 갖는다. 환자의 의사결정은 우리가 생각하는 것보다 많은 부분에서 영향을 받는다.

치료 필요성에 대한 전체적인 이해, 삶의 질, 심미성, 건강, 치료선택에 대한 망설임 또는 결정, 치료비 지불 방법의 선택권, 심지어 스탭의 전화응대 태도 등 환자가 치과에서 경험하는 모든 것들이 의사결정의 중요한 요인이다. 아울러 환자들이 눈여겨보는 다음 사항들도 참고하자.

1. 치료 시 편안한 분위기, 충분한 시간이 주어졌는가? 환자는 궁금한 점에 충분한 시간 배려를 받을 때 안심한다.

2. 치과과정에 대해 너무 치과적인(전문적인) 말이 아닌 쉽고 명확한 이해를 할 수 있는지 여부. 즉, 환자에게 쉽게 설명하라!

3. 치료계획의 유무. 환자에게 치과과정, 내원횟수, 치료기간 등 충분한 정보를 제공하라!

4. 치료 시의 편안함 정도. 환자에게 편안함을 제공할 수 있는 선택법(예를 들면, 마취 등)이 있는 점을 설명하라!

5. 치료과정에 대해 환자들이 알고 있는 오류나 선입견을 파악 후 오해없도록 충분히 정보를 나눈다!

6. 실제 받게 될 진료를 환자설명용 자료 등을 활용하여 치료과정에 대한 이해를 할 수 있도록 해준다. 단순히 혼자 보는 동영상만 보여주는 것으로 방치하는 것보다는 직접적으로 충분히 이해를 시켜라! 환자는 치료과정만 지불하는 것이 아니라 치과진료팀에 투자하고 있는 것이다.

7. 옳고 그름을 따지기보다 환자의 두려움과 우려를 공감하고 접근하라!
 대부분의 환자는 거의 참을 수 없는 상태가 되었을 때 치과를 찾아온다. 환자는 자신이 게으르거나 구제불능 같은 사람으로 비춰지기를 싫어한다. 따뜻한 말로 이들을 감싸면 신뢰와 존경이 저절로 따라온다!

8. 환자가 선택할 수 있는 다양한 치료선택과 위험여부 등을 정확하게 알리고 동의서를 작성하라!

9. 솔직한 대화를 나누어라! 진료팀으로부터 치료의 솔직한 장단점을 듣고 나면 환자는 진료팀의 치료에 더 신뢰를 갖는다. 환자는 의사가 제안한 방법의 장단점을 알면 오히려 안심하게 된다.

10. 환자가 선택할 수 있는 현실적이고 합리적인 결제방법들을 마련한다. 환자는 흔히 통증보다 비용을 더 의식한다. 그러나 치료에 대한 가치를 만족하면 더 이상 비용을 따지지 않는다. 예약부터 진료, 진료 후까지 환자가 그 가치를 충분히 느낄 수 있도록 서비스하라!

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